Sunday, April 17th, we are pleased to invite you to the outdoor autumn activities of the Hortus Urbis, the garden in the Appia Antica Park with solely ancient Roman plants.

A double appointment! For the bigger kids author and illustrator will read their story about a little girl who lived long time ago and her encounter with a seed of barley. In other words how the first unexpected sprout  has brought to the discovery of agriculture. A way to learn how a small gesture can bring big changes. For the little kids beekeepers will tell all the wonders of the bee world.

At 10,30 am – “IL MONDO DELLE API” | Workshop for kids in Italian, by Emanuela Marchini – Azienda Agricola Mamma Lù

The pedagogical – educational workshop’s objective is to approach little children to the fascinating world of bees and honey production and present in a playful way the animal world and inspire perceptive, manipulative and descriptive abilities towards nature.

- Ages 1 to 4

- Time: about 50 minutes

- Registration: 15 minutes before the beginning of the workshop

- Sign up on line by 6 pm of Friday,  April 15th, at or on site until availability.

- Fee:

  • 8 euro per child advanced payment on line (6 euro with Carta amici del Parco)
  • 10 euro per child payment on site (8 euro with Carta amici del Parco)

At 11 am – “UNA CULLA PER I SEMI” | Workshop for kids  in Italian, by SemidiCarta

Earth is the sprouting seed’s cradle. It happened long ago with a special earth, clay, that human kind made the first utensils and containers to preserve seeds and food. Children will live the emotion of moulding the earth with their hands. Inspired by the story Nadeema and Shair they will make their own clay pot and plant barley seeds to take care of at home.

- Ages 5 onwards

- Time: about 50 minutes

- Registration: 15 minutes before the beginning of the workshop

- Sign up on line by 6 pm of Friday,  April 15th, at or on site until availability.

- Fee:

  • 8 euro per child advanced payment on line (6 euro with Carta amici del Parco)
  • 10 euro per child payment on site (8 euro with Carta amici del Parco)

In case of rain the activities will be post-poned

For information or brochure:

Picnic area on site.





Twitter: @zappataromana - #HortusUrbis

How to reach us

Hortus Urbis at the former paper mill “ Cartiera Latina”, via Appia Antica, 42 /50 (near the fountain), Rome. Link to Hortus Urbis.

Bike: Cristoforo Colombo bike route and Circonvallazione Ardeatina.

Bus: 118 and 218 on the Appia Antica (Domine Quo Vadis stop) or 30express, 714 and 715 (Cristoforo Colombo/Bavastro stop or Cristoforo Colombo/Circonvallazione Ostiense stop) and then short walk along the Circonvallazione Ardeatina in the Scott Park.

Car: parking at via Carlo Conti Rossini, Largo Gavaligi, via Omboni, via Scott and surroundings and then short walk along the Circonvallazione Ardeatina in the Scott Park.

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