We are pleased to host

WATERCOLOR IN THE GARDEN, outdoor lessons | by Gioia Marchegiani, painter and illustrator | Semi di Carta

Spring comes back together with the painting classes in the garden.

A great opportunity to live nature by observing and painting it.

A pleasant moment of peace and sharing,

to restore spirit and heart.

Four outdoor watercolor lessons for all, beginners and experts, on techniques, with demonstrations and experiments. Every participant will be followed personally. The observation of the works of each one is considered occasion of growth and improvement for all.

  • The lessons will be held on Saturday mornings at the Hortus Urbis in the Appia Antica Park.
  • There will be classes for adults from 9 to 11 am and classes for children from 11,30 to 12,30 am.
  • The cost for the adult classes is 50 euro for the first 4 lessons, but it is also possible to come for single lessons (15 euro).
  • The cost for the child classes is 40 euro for the first 4 lessons, but it is also possible to come for single lessons (10 euro).


Sign up before April 2nd.

For any advice on painting materials and further information contact Gioia: 3383027794 – gioia@marchegiani.com

INFO: www.hortusurbis.it

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